You CAN embed a flutter app in a HTML tag (without an iFrame!)

Daniel Wild
2 min readSep 6, 2023

I’ve been evaluating Flutter for a new project, and one question I had was: can a flutter web app be embedded inside a HTML page (or a React app for example).

There was quite a lot of old/contradictory information on the interwebs (surprise 😆), e.g. a heap of workarounds (e.g. DartPad), and the dreaded iframe.. (although this still has a place, and is referenced in the docs).

Why tho?

A number of reasons. Common ones include:

  • concerns about Flutters poor SEO support want the option to “wrap” their applications with some search-engine readable metadata
  • ability to migrate to Flutter from other frameworks incrementally

TL;DR; Since v3.10 you can embed a Flutter web app into any HTML element of your web page

To tell Flutter web in which element to render, use the hostElement parameter of the initializeEngine function:

<!-- ... -->
<script src="flutter.js" defer></script>

<!-- Ensure your flutter target is present on the page... -->
<div id="flutter_host">Loading...</div>

window.addEventListener("load", function (ev) {
onEntrypointLoaded: async function(engineInitializer) {
let appRunner = await engineInitializer.initializeEngine({
// Pass a reference to "div#flutter_host" into the Flutter engine.
hostElement: document.querySelector("#flutter_host")
await appRunner.runApp();

See the flutter docs, or this interactive demo for more.

